Wednesday, September 16, 2009

And I was complaining that life's too hard...

Currently in a very dejected and depressed state of mind.

I was bored, and went around blog hopping. And I found out this guy Shobaan, an ex-WMS student, passed away on the 10th of September. Who knew reading blogs can make you this sad?

I never knew Shobaan. I've never seen him before in my life. But yet, I felt as if I knew him. This connection. Reading blogs after blogs regarding his death almost made me tear. He seemed like a super fun fellow, sarcastic and witty, good at insulting, a joker, sleeps in class, a first class slacker that everybody loves. There was so much for him to do in this world. He's only been around for two decades but now he lies in a coffin, his soul looking down at all of us from somewhere up there. Pretty sure we would've been good buddies if we met, so rest in peace, Shobaan.

This never occurred to me; I never thought of handling a death of someone you know, at least not someone of the same generation. I'd always thought we all will live to tell stories to our grandchildren. I never imagined what would happen if we die, right now, at the mere age of 20, because this is only the beginning of our lives!

And previously I was complaining about how I don't have the mood to go to university, how the assignments can take a toll on me. The hell is going on with me. I realised that we should all be thankful when the alarm clock wakes us up, instead of grumbling and thinking of the (maybe) unpleasant day ahead. Because we could have just died in our sleep.

Because by being alive we get to see others live their life.

Because being alive lets us see the colours and beauty of this world.

Because being alive allows us to know that the emotions we feel are valid.

Because being alive is, ultimately, God's gift to us.

Life is too unpredictable. Cliche, but true.


That being said, I hope my aunt, who has been diagnosed with cancer, will survive through this hard time in life.

Stay positive.

1 comment:

Kennnz said...

Rest in piece Shobaan, I happened to hear about what happened too, and I agree with Pandy.

And my regards to your aunt, Pandy, I hope she gets better soon. ;)