I'd suffer from many bitter experiences in my early years. Maybe it's in my blood for being bulliable. My father, my sister, they are very what's it called, ah yes, gullible. They were always like too kind, too easy to get something from. I went to Peter and Jane Kindergarten at the age of 4. Boy, 1st day of kindegarten was terrible. I remembered I was crying like there was no tommorow, as I see the shadow of my mum disappear. I was afraid. Very afraid. "Who's all this people?" I used to ask myself. But things got better after that, thank God.
Year 2 was when the real nightmare began. I had a phobia of being scolded for doing anything. At night, I could barely sleep. I laugh at myself when I thought how stupid I was that time. Bloody colour pencils. You see, the kindergarten provides us with stationeries, which we keep in our class. I've always been the victim of theft, it was just so frustrating. Everytime I find one stationery missing I'll go crazy. I'll start crying and always had the fear of being punished. I had to trouble my mum everytime. But my mum was very caring, comforted me everytime and lullabies me to sleep without fail. Great.
By Year 3 in kindergarten i was like "Go ahead, steal my stationeries or whatever, I don't care," but they didn't get stolen anymore, LOL. Instead, I got to sit next to my "best" friend. Well, my so-called "best" friend started bullying me, damn it. One incident that was always in my memory was he putting rubber dusts into my ear. Fine, fine another year went on, full of miseries and sorrows. My early years were covered in darkness (blame krishnan =D).
Halfway There eh...
16 years ago